The UK government has established a Building Safety Programme to ensure that residents of high-rise buildings are safe, feel safe now, and in the future. The introduction of several advisory and guidance notes for landlords about concerns relating to the fire safety of buildings is underway and will be defined in The Building Safety Bill.
If you are involved in any way with the safety of a building, you need to know the requirements of the Building Safety Bill to avoid costly surveying, remediation projects, and, most importantly, potentially unsafe buildings. It is a requirement for building owners to review their fire safety of external cladding and insulation, external fire-stopping, and all internal fire-stopping measures as part of the measures detailed in the Bill.
CBC can lead and assist with the program by setting up a special projects team and appointed specialist fire safety engineers and forensic architects to carry out investigation works for buildings. CBC will work closely with the local government, the London Fire Brigade, and building owners to make sure that all buildings are safe and remain safe. We provide building owners with the advice and the support they needed to ensure their buildings are safe and compliant with relevant government regulations.
CBC will work with you to create a detailed building report for the immediate and long term. From the identification of fire risks during the construction phase of your project, right through to the identification of hazards, risks, and planned strategic management.
If you need to discuss Building safety for contact CBC today.